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#742 – Pensacola Medical Services in Pensacola, FL

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4400 BAYOU BLVD. # 46

TAPE – 742

(Dialing, phone ringing 1x)

CLINIC: (Unclear) Medical Services. How may I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: How much does it cost for that?

CLINIC: How many weeks are you?

CALLER: I’m not really sure. How do you know?

CLINIC: By the first day of your last period.

CALLER: Well, that was January 3rd.

CLINIC: Okay. Hold one second.


(Short pause)

CLINIC: Okay. At nine-plus weeks the procedure’s $350 if you’re positive blood type. And if you want IV sedation, it’s 425.

CALLER: The thing is, I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend said that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: You’re how old?

CALLER: I’m going to be 14 on the 19th of this month.

CLINIC: Okay. So you’re going to be 14. So you’re 13 right now?


CLINIC: Most likely, no. In the state of Florida you don’t have to have parent consent. But you’re not going to want him up here, because if he comes up here, the police officers would have to arrest him.


CLINIC: Because you have to show your i.d. When he comes in he has to show his i.d., and you have to show your i.d. to get in. And if they see the age on there, they could arrest him at that point.

CALLER: But I don’t have an i.d.

CLINIC: You’re going to have to get a picture i.d. from the Drivers License Bureau to be able to get into the building.

CALLER: So would it be better if he just dropped me off then?

CLINIC: Yeah, definitely. You don’t want to put him in that situation.


CLINIC: Now, the thing is, with you only being 13, there’s no guarantee we’ll be able to do the procedure. It will be based upon an examination of your cervix, to make sure that you’re built to where we can do the procedure at this point.

CALLER: Okay. I haven’t had a pregnancy test yet. Could I come in there and do that before?

CLINIC: We don’t offer that here. We no longer offer the free pregnancy test. But if you just go and get a pregnancy test, that way you can find out for sure if it’s positive.

CALLER: What kind should I get?

CLINIC: The EPT. EPT is in a purple and white box. And that’s the same ones we do offer here on procedure day.

CALLER: If it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control from you guys?

CLINIC: Yes. You’d have to have a pap smear, but yes you can get birth control from us.

CALLER: Well, how much does it cost for a pap smear?

CLINIC: Seventy-five dollars.

CALLER: Okay. If I was coming in for an abortion and everything, how much should I bring?

CLINIC: Are you positive blood type?

CALLER: I’m not really sure.

CLINIC: It would be $390. Because of your age, if you haven’t had a pap done, I do recommend you having the IV sedation, which would be 465.

CALLER: Okay. So how much money should I tell my boyfriend to get?

CLINIC: 465 total.

CALLER: 465?

CLINIC: Uh-huh.

CALLER: Do I need to make an appointment for that?

CLINIC: Well, go ahead and do that test, and then call us and let us know.

CALLER: Should I call you back? What was your name?

CLINIC: My name’s Glenda.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Okay? Thanks. Bye.



#743 – Tampa Women’s Health Center in Tampa, FL

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TAMPA, FL 33612

TAPE – 743

(Dialing, phone ringing 2x)

CLINIC: Tampa (unclear) Women’s Health Center. Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: How much does it cost for that?

CLINIC: Do you know when your last menstrual period was?

CALLER: January 3rd.

CLINIC: Okay. One moment, please.

CALLER: All right.

RECORDING: — make the best choice you can. There are other places you could go for an abortion, maybe even some that are less expensive or closer to where you live. But there is no place that will give you more care and attention to you as a whole person.

CLINIC: Ma’am, it will be $350.

CALLER: Okay. The thing is, I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend said that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of everything, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: What happened now?

CALLER: My friend said that since I’m going to be 14 later on this month, that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: No. Everything is confidential. So your boyfriend, he’s not your legal guardian, so he would do no good.

CALLER: But you don’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: You just come in for the appointment. Everything is confidential.

CALLER: Oh, okay. Would you guys do a pregnancy test beforehand just to see if I was pregnant?


CALLER: Okay. It’s just I haven’t had one of those yet.

CLINIC: They always do a pregnancy test first.

CALLER: If it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys do birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes. You would have to have a pap smear in order to have that done though.

CALLER: Well, how much does it cost for that?

CLINIC: It’s $70.

CALLER: Could I get it done all the same day?

CLINIC: No, you wouldn’t. Depending on what your status is. First you just need to come in and take a pregnancy test and go from there. And they’re $10.

CALLER: When do you normally do them?

CLINIC: We do them everyday, Monday through Saturday actually.

CALLER: So you just walk in?


CALLER: What time on Saturday do you do it?

CLINIC: We’re open from 8 to 2 on that day. I mean, we see patients up to 2:00. So if we’re still here at that time, then you can come on in. We schedule up to 2:00, but you don’t have to make an appointment for that. You can just walk in, okay?

CALLER: Well, my boyfriend works from 8 to 5, so that’s the thing. He was wanting me to call to see what your hours are so that he could get time off work.

CLINIC: Like I said, we schedule up to 2:00 on Saturday, but whenever we get done with the last patient is when we close. So I can’t tell you how long we’ll be open on Saturday. It’d be best to come in the morning somewhere between 8 and 2.

CALLER: Okay. I just have so many questions.

CLINIC: But once you came in that day, they can go over any questions that you may have.

CALLER: If I needed to call you to ask you something real quick, would that be all right? What was your name?

CLINIC: I’m sorry?

CALLER: If I had any other questions, could I call you and ask you? What was your name?

CLINIC: One moment.

RECORDING: — no place that would give you more care and attention to you as a whole person. Isn’t this time difficult enough without having to worry about comfort, safety and quality? You deserve the best of care.

While we direct your call, we would like to tell you more about our facility.

CLINIC: Okay, ma’am. What was your question again?

CALLER: I was just wondering if I could call and ask you any other questions?

CLINIC: Yeah, you can call and speak with anybody. They’d be able to answer your questions.

CALLER: It’s just you’ve been really nice. I’d just rather talk to you.

CLINIC: Well, I’m not always here. My name is Tiffany. But if you want to call back, you can call.


CLINIC: All righty?

CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: Um-hmm.


#744 – Sarasota Women’s Health Center in Sarasota, FL

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TAPE – 744

(Dialing, phone ringing 1x)

CALLER: Saratoga Women’s Health Center. Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Yeah, we do. Can you hold one moment?

CALLER: All right.

(Short pause)

CLINIC: Okay. Did you want to make an appointment?

CALLER: Well, I was just wanting to ask some questions first.

CLINIC: Go ahead.

CALLER: How much does it cost to get an abortion?

CLINIC: Well, it depends on how many weeks you are.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how you know?

CLINIC: By the first day of your last menstrual period.

CALLER: That was January 3rd.

CLINIC: Okay. Let’s see. January 3rd?


CLINIC: That would put you at about nine weeks. And that would be $375 for 13 weeks and under, and above that it’s more.


CLINIC: We do procedures Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday by appointment. And everything’s included in that 375.

CALLER: I’m just kind of worried because my friend told me that — well, I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and she said that you guys would have to tell my parents about all this. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: You’re 13?


CLINIC: Let me ask the doctor. It’s up to him. Hold one second.



CLINIC: Are you there?

CALLER: I’m here.

CLINIC: You’re going to have to have a legal guardian with you since you’re 13.

CALLER: Oh, really?


CALLER: Well, is there any way not to have to tell my parents at all? I mean, they can’t find out.

CLINIC: Your parents can’t find out? By law, honey, you have to have a parent with you or a legal guardian.

CALLER: But I can’t tell them.

CLINIC: You can’t tell them?

CALLER: Is there anywhere else I could go?

CLINIC: No (chuckle). No one will let you —

(Talking to someone else) What’s the age, 16?

Yeah. You have to be at least 16 by Florida state law unless you want to try another state.

CALLER: Oh. What other state should I go to?

CLINIC: (Talking to someone else) Do you know of any other states that don’t require that law?

Hold on. I’m going to try to find out for you, okay?

CALLER: All right.

(Short pause)

CLINIC: Hi. This is Alisa (ph). Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was just really confused. And I was talking to someone about if my parents had to find out I was getting an abortion.

CLINIC: Okay. What is your age?

CALLER: I’m 13. I’ll be 14 on the 19th.

CLINIC: Yes. You do have to have parental consent at that age. There’s no one in the state of Florida that’s going to do a procedure on a patient that’s only 13 or 14 or even 15 without parental consent.


CLINIC: That’s the law. Yeah, there’s no way.

CALLER: Well, the other lady was looking to see if there was another state I could go to.

CLINIC: Without parental consent? No, not at the age of 13. You have to have parental consent at that age.


CLINIC: You can’t tell your parents?

CALLER: No, not at all. I mean, they know my boyfriend. He works with my dad, and they know we’re going out. They just don’t know we’re having sex. I mean, they can’t find out. If they knew that we were having sex, I don’t know what they would do.

CLINIC: Oh, okay. How old is your boyfriend?

CALLER: Twenty-two.

CLINIC: Oh. Yeah, that’s definitely an age gap there.

CALLER: Yeah. Well —

CLINIC: Go ahead.

CALLER: Well, I haven’t had a pregnancy test yet. Could I come in there for that, and you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: You can take a home test actually. They’re $10 usually if you buy one from the drug store.

CALLER: Are they usually right though?

CLINIC: Uh-huh. They’re usually 99 percent accurate.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant after I take that, could I come in there for birth control?

CLINIC: Yes. You would need parental consent for that though, because you’re only 13, yeah.

CALLER: Well, even after I’m 14 on the 19th?

CLINIC: No. You would still need parental consent.

CALLER: All right. Well, what should I do then?

CLINIC: Well, if you’re pregnant, you’re probably going to have to tell your parents because if you don’t, and if you continue with the pregnancy, with you being that age and your boyfriend being his age, they can throw him in jail.

CALLER: They can throw him in jail?

CLINIC: Oh, yeah. He can get thrown in jail.


CLINIC: That’s statutory rape right there.

CALLER: But he’s not raping me. We’re in love. We’re going to get married. He said he was going to take care of me forever.

CLINIC: Yeah. But, sweetie, at 13 years old, you’re not old enough to consent to sex at 13.


CLINIC: Because you’re only 13 years old and he’s 22. He’s an adult.

CALLER: Well, I’m almost 14.

CLINIC: It doesn’t matter. At 13 years old and he’s 22 years old, he’s an adult. They can throw him in jail for that.

CALLER: Well, he can’t go to jail. He’s the only one that’s ever there for me.

CLINIC: That’s something you need to talk over with your parents.

CALLER: But I can’t tell them. I mean, they don’t ever listen to me. They don’t understand anything.

CLINIC: Well, what are you going to tell them if you don’t have a termination and you continue with the pregnancy?

CALLER: I don’t know. That’s why I wasn’t wanting to — that’s why I was wanting an abortion.

CLINIC: (Pause) Okay. Yeah. But at that age you definitely have parental — you have to have a parent in the office with you.

CALLER: There’s no way not to have them there with me?

CLINIC: No. There’s no way. At 13 — I’ve already told you like five times — there’s no way.

CALLER: Okay. All right. Okay. Thanks




#388 – Planned Parenthood in Naples, FL

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900 5TH AVE N
NAPLES, FL 34102-5842

TAPE – 388

(dialing sounds) (ringing 3X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. How can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No, we don’t.

CALLER: Oh. Well, do you know of any place that does?

CLINIC: Hold on for just a minute.

CALLER: Thank you.

CLINIC: (pause) Thank you for holding. How may I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering about getting an abortion, but she —

CLINIC: We don’t do that service here. I can give you referral information.

CALLER: Okay. I actually had a question. Like I’m just worried because like my friend told me that since like I’ll be 14 in March that you guys would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22. Could he just sign whatever and —

CLINIC: These are questions that you can certainly check out with — I’m going to give you two numbers here to call.


CLINIC: And definitely ask these questions of them.


CLINIC: Okay? Dr. Philip Waterman — 941-574-8200. And Ft. Myers Women’s Health Center — 941-936-4494.

CALLER: Okay. Well, could I come in there for like a pregnancy test?

CLINIC: You can get your pregnancy test here.

CALLER: Okay. I’m just really scared because like my last period was like December 14, and I don’t know. I’m just really worried.

CLINIC: Okay. Now we close at 5:00 today and then we’ll be open tomorrow from 9 to 2.



CALLER: Well, if the pregnancy test here ended up being that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys have birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, we do. In fact, we have a teen clinic on Thursday afternoons from 2:30 to 5:30 that you may want to get some information on.

CALLER: Well, would you guys have to tell anybody that I was on birth control?

CLINIC: No. Everything is confidential.

CALLER: Okay. Is it all right if my boyfriend’s there with me? I just would feel better if he was there. Would that be all right?

CLINIC: He can wait in the waiting room, sure.

CALLER: Okay. But would you guys have to ask any questions or have him sign anything? He just —

CLINIC: No. He doesn’t need to sign anything.

CALLER: Because we just don’t want anybody to know about us. So.

CLINIC: Okay, but he’d be welcome to come, sure.



CALLER: Well, if I had any other questions, could I call and talk to you?


CALLER: What’s your name?

CLINIC: And you might want, if you have a lot of questions, you know, we can have an educator talk to you. There’s no one available right now.

CALLER: Oh. Well, what’s your name then?

CLINIC: Well, my name is Nancy.



CALLER: Who’s the educator?

CLINIC: That would either be Andrea or Jodie.

CALLER: Should I ask for them instead do you think?

CLINIC: If you come in, you get the pregnancy test, you have a lot of questions, then why don’t you ask to talk to them?

CALLER: All right.



CLINIC: Um-hum.

CALLER: Thank you.

CLINIC: Bye bye.

(phone clicks)

***THE END***

#389 – Planned Parenthood Of Greater Miami in Miami, FL

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1699 SW 27TH AVE FL 2
MIAMI, FL 33145-2046

TAPE – 389

(Dialing, phone ringing 1x)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys. The clinic is open at this time. To speak to a medical staff person, please press 7 (dial button pressed).

Thank you. One moment please.

CLINIC: Good morning. How can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, we don’t. I can give you a number to a place where we refer our clients to.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: It’s called A Choice for Women, 305-630-3363.

CALLER: Well, do you know if they would have to say anything? My friend told me that since I’ll be 14 in March that they would have to tell my parents I’m getting an abortion. But my boyfriend’s 22.

CLINIC: What you would do is, honestly, call there and find out how they would do it because I’m honestly not sure because I don’t work there, so I’m not sure. But we’ve checked them out and everything and it’s a decent place. But otherwise you’d have to call them in order to find out the age and all that kind of stuff, okay?

CALLER: Okay. Well, I’m just really scared, and I don’t know what to do. Could I come in there for a pregnancy test?

CLINIC: Did you do a pregnancy test already?


CLINIC: So how do you know you’re pregnant?

CALLER: Well, I’m just really scared because I haven’t had my period since December 14th.

CLINIC: Since December? They do pregnancy testing there for free. So what you would do, you’d go there, do the test, and then if that’s what you wanted to do — if you didn’t want to continue — they’d be able to help you out. They’d do some counseling and everything with you there.

CALLER: It’s just my friend told me that you guys were better to go to. But if I came in there and got a pregnancy test —

CLINIC: You’d get a referral. You’d pay $15 for the pregnancy test, and then from there we’d give you a referral. And then that’s where we’d send you to if that’s what you wanted to do.

CALLER: Well, if it said that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys have birth control there?

CLINIC: We offer birth control pills. But you’d have to do the exam, which is a pap smear, breast exam and pelvic exam. And then from —

CALLER: How much does that all cost?

CLINIC: Regular price is 60 to $80. And then after that you’d be able to buy birth control pills from us, and that’s 17 to $28 per pack, depending on which type. We also have a class that’s going to be this evening at 5:30 that’s for teens 18 and under. And if you want you can go to the class, and that will help discount your exams and everything with us and your birth control pills if that’s what you decide that you want to do.

CALLER: What all does the class talk about?

CLINIC: They’re going to talk about birth control pills and the types of exams that we do here. And then they also talk about STDs and things like that. So it’s real cool. Everybody there is 18 and under, so it’s not like you’re going to be with older folks, you know what I mean?

CALLER: Well, I would just really prefer my boyfriend to be there with me —

CLINIC: He can go with you.

CALLER: It’s all right?

CLINIC: He can go with you. That’s fine. The class is going to be this evening at 5:30.

CALLER: I just don’t want anybody to know about us or anything.

CLINIC: No, it’s fine. The only way they would know is if you told them because we don’t give out any information unless you’ve authorized us to do so.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if I was on birth control, you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody or anything?

CLINIC: No. Only if you told somebody would they know you’re on birth control.


CLINIC: Okay? So did you want the information for the class this evening?


CLINIC: Do you have our address?

CALLER: Yeah, my boyfriend does.

CLINIC: So basically what you’re going to do is go to the class. It’s on the third floor, and it starts at 5:30, and it finishes at 6:30, okay?


CLINIC: And then when you finish the class they’ll give you a little card that you bring with you when you come for your exam and everything. And then what we can do when you come, we can do your pregnancy test. And then if it’s positive, well, we’ll take it from there, and if it’s negative we’ll take it from there as well, okay?


CLINIC: All right then.

CALLER: You’ve been a lot of help. What’s your name?

CLINIC: Anika (ph).

CALLER: Okay. Thanks.

CLINIC: All right. Bye bye.



#227 – Planned Parenthood in Sarasota, FL

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SARASOTA, FL 34239-2217

TAPE – 227

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood Sarasota Clinic. At the time of your call our clinic is open. If you’d like to speak to a staff (dial sound). The operator is not available right now. If you would like to leave a message press 1. If you would like to try another extension, press 3. Please speak after the tone. (dial sound) If you know the extension of the party you would like to speak with, enter it now. For a directory, press star. For the operator, press zero. (dial sound) (music) Planned Parenthood believes that getting pregnant should be a choice, not an accident. That’s why we offer you affordable birth control options.

CLINIC: Masheska (ph). Can I help you?

CALLER: Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: Yes, w do.

CALLER: How much does that cost?

CLINIC: We charge $375 if you’re under 12 weeks from the first day of your last period and $425 if you’re between 12 and 14 weeks.


CLINIC: We also charge an additional $60 if you happen to be negative blood type.

CALLER: Okay. Well, how do you know how far along you are? Like —

CLINIC: Do you know when the first day of your past period was?

CALLER: Well, it was like the second week in December.

CLINIC: Okay. Let me put you on hold for just one second.

CALLER: All right.

RECORDING: Thank you for holding. Please remain on the line and a Planned Parenthood staffmember will be with you shortly. (music)

CLINIC: It’s the second week in December, so if I was going from the 14th maybe, today is the 18th, so you’d be approximately 9 1/2 weeks along.


CLINIC: So you would be under 12 weeks until the end of the first week of March


CLINIC: I mean, if that date’s correct, so.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I also had another question. Like my friend told me that since like I’ll be 14 in March that you guys have to tell my parents. But can I just —

CLINIC: No. You can be —

CALLER: Is it all right if my boyfriend takes care of it, because like he’s 22.

CLINIC: If you’re 12 or over you usually don’t need parental consent.

CALLER: Okay. Well, can my boyfriend take me?


CALLER: I don’t have any other way to get there.


CALLER: Okay. Would you guys have to know anything about him or anything?


CALLER: Okay. Well, so it’s okay to like come in and have a pregnancy test and everything?

CLINIC: Uh-huh.

CALLER: Okay. But you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody about if I was taking a pregnancy test or anything?

CLINIC: No. Your status as a patient with us is completely confidential.



CALLER: Well if like, say that I wasn’t pregnant. Do you guys do birth control there?

CLINIC: Um-hum.

CALLER: Okay. And you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody about birth control or anything?


CALLER: All right. Okay. So thanks.

CLINIC: No problem.



(phone clicks)

*** THE END ***

#217 – Planned Parenthood in Jacksonville, FL

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TAPE – 217

(dialing sound) (ringing 1X)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood at Northeast Florida. Press 1 for our health center, press 2 for our administrative office. To access our dial-by-name directory press the pound sign, or if you know your party’s extension you may dial it now. (dial sound) Press 1 for central clinic hours and locations. Press 2 for information about Planned Parenthood services. Press 3 to schedule an appointment at our central clinic. Press 4 for other Jacksonville clinic locations. (dial sound) One moment, please. (ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood South. Shaquanda (sp) speaking. How can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: Do you — like my friend told me that you guys have to know like how old I am and stuff like that. Like is that true or —

CLINIC: We just have to go over some quick information with you, and you can make an appointment. You don’t need your parents’ consent or signature, anything like that.

CALLER: Okay. Well, she also said you guys have to know like how old my boyfriend is. Like he’s 22, but —

CLINIC: No, we don’t need to know. Only personal information we need is yours. We don’t deal with anybody else.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I’ll be 14 in March.

CLINIC: Um-hum.

CALLER: So is that all okay?

CLINIC: I’m sorry?

CALLER: Is that okay?

CLINIC: Yeah, that’s fine. I mean, as long as you understand everything and you can handle this maturely, then that’s fine. As long as you can pay for it then you’ll be okay.

CALLER: Yeah, my boyfriend said he would take care of everything.

CLINIC: Oh, so he’s going to pay for it? Okay. Did you want to make an appointment?

CALLER: Well, I’d have to call him and see when he can get off work, but —

CLINIC: Okay. We’re going to be setting appointments. We’re setting appointments for this Friday.

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: And for the following Saturday, so call us back. And we’re going to do Friday. We’re going to start, we take patients from 1;30 to 3:00. But right now we’ve only got 2:30, 2:45 open.




CLINIC: And then next Saturday we’re going to see patients from 7:30 to 9:00.



CALLER: Well, like do you guys do the pregnancy tests there?

CLINIC: Have you taken a pregnancy test yet?

CALLER: Well, I took a home pregnancy test over the weekend, but.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, that’s all we really need. We can do one here once you get here, but it’s not a necessity if you already took one at home.

CALLER: Okay. I’m just worried that I didn’t do it right. I don’t know.

CLINIC: Okay, well, we can do one here when you get here. That’s fine.


CLINIC: Okay? So talk to him and then give us a call back, okay?

CALLER: Okay. But like you guys don’t have to tell anybody or anything?

CLINIC: No, no, no. There’s nobody that we need to tell.


CLINIC: Yeah. We don’t have to tell anybody else.

CALLER: And it’s all right like if my boyfriend brings me and you guys don’t have to know anything about him?

CLINIC: Yeah. I mean, when he brings you he’s going to bring you, he’s going to sit into the waiting room. He can help you fill out your paperwork, and then that’s it. We don’t need his information. All we need to know is his name. That way when you’re ready to go, we can pop our head out in the waiting room and say if his name is Josh, hey Josh, she’s ready. Go to the back. I mean, that’s it.



CALLER: Okay. And you guys don’t have to tell anybody, right?

CLINIC: No. We won’t call your parents. We won’t call your house, your insurance company, your teacher, your grandmother. Nobody has to know. Only people that will know is if you tell them.



CALLER: Well, say that you guys did do another pregnancy test there just to make sure?

CLINIC: Um-hum.

CALLER: And I wasn’t pregnant. Do you guys have birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, we do, but you have to make an appointment to come back and get on pills.

CALLER: Okay. But you guys wouldn’t — is it all right if like my boyfriend picks up the pills?

CLINIC: Oh, yeah, that’s fine, but as long as you have your pap smear first and if you need to get pills then he can come pick them up.



CALLER: And you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody if I was on birth control?



CLINIC: Everything here is strictly confidential.



CALLER: So, well if he had any other questions could I call and ask you?

CLINIC: You sure can.

CALLER: What was your name?

CLINIC: My name is Shaquanda.




CLINIC: All right. Thanks.


(phone clicks)

*** THE END ***

#228 – Planned Parenthood in Stuart, FL

Listen to the Call:


Copy transcript to clipboard Transcript copied to clipboard!

STUART, FL 34994-1004

TAPE – 228

(dialing sound) (ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Good afternoon. Planned Parenthood. Cheryl (Jill?) speaking.

CALLER: Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, we don’t. We do pregnancy testing, counseling and referrals. Have you already had a positive test?

CALLER: No. Well, I took a home pregnancy test over the weekend, and it was positive.

CLINIC: Okay, that’s why I asked if you already had a positive test.

CALLER: I don’t know if I did it right, so.

CLINIC: Okay, then your next step would be to — probably you would want to come here and have it confirmed with one of our tests. How old are you?

CALLER: I’ll be 14 in March.

CLINIC: Okay. It would $5 to do that and then the counselor will sit down with you and she’ll give you all your appropriate referrals. Depending on where you go it can be much less expensive —


CLINIC: — for termination if you have a referral, okay?

CALLER: Uh-huh.

CLINIC: She is here tomorrow if you want to come in tomorrow to have your test.


CLINIC: Okay? Let me see where I can get you in.

CALLER: I’d have to talk to my boyfriend to see when he can get off work, but.

CLINIC: Okay. I can get you in tomorrow afternoon if you want to do it tomorrow afternoon, so why don’t you check with him and the give me a call back? Okay? My name is Cheryl. You can just ask for me since I already know what’s going on.


CLINIC: What’s your first name?

CALLER: Christine.

CLINIC: Christine. Okay, Christine.

CALLER: Well, actually I had a question.

CLINIC: Go ahead.

CALLER: My friend said that since like I’ll be 14 in March that you guys have to tell my parents, but can —


CALLER: — my boyfriend just take care of it? He’s 22.

CLINIC: Yeah. No, you don’t. You don’t need to. You don’t need to.

CALLER: All right.


CALLER: So say that I wasn’t pregnant. Do you guys do birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: And you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Right. Right. She’ll talk to you about all that when you come in for your test, okay?


CLINIC: All right?

CALLER: Does anyone have to know about my boyfriend or anything?

CLINIC: I’m sorry?

CALLER: Does anyone have to know about my boyfriend at all?

CLINIC: Does anyone have to know about him?


CLINIC: You can talk to the counselor about it when you come in. What do you mean by “know about him?”

CALLER: Well, like my parents can’t find out that —

CLINIC: Everything here is confidential, okay?


CLINIC: Everything’s strictly confidential.

CALLER: So it’s all right if he brings me in and everything?

CLINIC: Yeah. Everything’s up to the patient whether or not you want him to sit in on the counseling. That’s totally up to you.



CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: All right. Let us know what you want to do.

CALLER: Okay. Thanks.

CLINIC: Bye bye.

(phone clicks)

*** THE END ***


#218 – Planned Parenthood in Tallahassee, FL

Listen to the Call:


Copy transcript to clipboard Transcript copied to clipboard!

2121 W. PENSACOLA ST. # B2
TALLAHASSEE, FL 32304-3151

TAPE – 218

(dialing sound) (ringing 3X)

CLINIC: Good afternoon. Planned Parenthood. This is Cynthia.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, we sure don’t.

CALLER: Do you know of any place that does?

CLINIC: Yes, I sure do. Hang on just a second, and I’ll give you the numbers.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: You can call the North Florida Women’s Health and Counseling.


CLINIC: That number is 877-3183.


CLINIC: And Dr. Charles Cooper’s office does it.


CLINIC: 877-7106.



CALLER: Well, is it all right if I ask a couple questions? Like I’m just scared. I don’t know. But like my friend told me that you guys have to know — you guys have to tell my parents and stuff. Like I’ll be 14 in March.

CLINIC: Right.

CALLER: Like do my parents have to know?

CLINIC: Well, I don’t — we don’t do the abortions here, and if we did they wouldn’t know. But I don’t know what to tell you on that because you’ll have to call one of those numbers I gave you and ask them.


CLINIC: If you ask them if you can be anonymous.

CALLER: Okay. Would they ask anything about my boyfriend or anything? Because he said he was going to take care of everything because he’s 22, and he’s going to take care of everything, but would they have to know anything about him?

CLINIC: I wouldn’t think so.

CALLER: Okay. So it would be all right if he paid for everything, but they wouldn’t say anything about him?

CLINIC: They shouldn’t. I mean, like I said, you can call and ask them.

CALLER: Okay. Well, my friend actually just gave me your number because she went there. But is it okay if I had like a pregnancy test there?

CLINIC: Yeah, you can have a pregnancy test here.


CLINIC: To confirm it if you’re not sure.

CALLER: Okay. Well, I don’t know. But is it okay like to have a pregnancy test and you guys wouldn’t have to tell anybody that I was there?

CLINIC: No, we don’t tell anybody anything.

CALLER: Okay. Like after the —

CLINIC: You’re the only one that we would only talk to, and that’s it.

CALLER: Okay. If it ended up after the pregnancy test that I wasn’t pregnant, do you guys do birth control there?

CLINIC: Yes, we do.

CALLER: And you wouldn’t have to tell anybody that I’m on birth control?

CLINIC: Right. Okay?

CALLER: Okay. Well, is it okay if my boyfriend picks up the pills or whatever?

CLINIC: Yeah, as long as you leave his name.



CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Thank you.

CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: All right. Bye.


(phone clicks)

*** THE END ***

#219 – Planned Parenthood in Gainesville, FL

Listen to the Call:


Copy transcript to clipboard Transcript copied to clipboard!

914 NW 13TH ST
GAINESVILLE, FL 32601-3007

TAPE – 219

(dialing sounds) (ringing 2X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. This is (Alexis?). How can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering if you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No, we don’t. But we give referrals. I can give you the numbers to a couple of clinics.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Hang on just a second. Thanks.


CLINIC: Okay, can I give you those numbers?


CLINIC: Okay. The first one is for Bread and Roses.


CLINIC: 372-1664. The second one, All Women’s, 378-9191.



CALLER: Well, like do you guys like — my friend told me that you guys have to tell my parents before I can have an abortion. Is that true?

CLINIC: We don’t do abortions. I really don’t know the policies of the other places. You’d have to give them a call and ask.

CALLER: Oh. Okay. Well, do you know if there’s like a specific age or anything? Like I’ll be 14 in March.

CLINIC: Okay. I don’t know. I mean, you’d really need to talk with the people who perform them. We just give referrals, okay?


CLINIC: Okay? Go ahead and give them a call and ask them all those questions.

CALLER: Oh. Well, do you guys do like the pregnancy test there?

CLINIC: We do, yes.

CALLER: Okay. Do you have to be a specific age for that?

CLINIC: No. And they’re $5 if you’re in high school.

CALLER: Okay. Well, is it okay if my boyfriend brings me and pays for it?

CLINIC: If he what?


CLINIC: If he does what?

CALLER: If he brings me and pays for it because he said he was going to take care of everything because he’s 22. So.

CLINIC: If he pays for it? Is that what you said?


CLINIC: Of course. Yeah.

CALLER: Okay. He just said he was going to take care of everything, so.


CALLER: Well, like after the — would you — you wouldn’t have to tell anybody about him or anything, would you?

CLINIC: No. Um-um.

CALLER: Okay. Well, like say that I wasn’t pregnant after you guys do the pregnancy test?


CALLER: Do you guys have birth control there?

CLINIC: We do, but you’d have to have an annual exam with us first or with somebody else first in order to start getting your birth control.


CLINIC: Okay? If you have any more questions, I’m going to have to put you on hold for just a second because I need to answer somebody else’s questions on the other line.


CLINIC: Okay? Thanks.

(music) (clinic doesn’t come back on line)