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#093 – Planned Parenthood in Walden, NY

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PO BOX 341
WALDEN, NY 12586

TAPE – 093

(dialing sounds) (ringing 1X)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood.

CALLER: Hi. Do you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: Well, what we’ll do is a pregnancy test and a counseling visit, and then we can refer you out.


CLINIC: Did you have a pregnancy test done yet?

CALLER: I got one at the store over the weekend and it came out positive.

CLINIC: Okay. Well, we don’t use the store ones for a good test, so we’ll do another one. It will run you $10 to $20 depending on your income.


CLINIC: When would you like to come in for that? I have Wednesday morning available or Monday.

CALLER: Well, I don’t know. I’d have to call my boyfriend and see when he can get off because he’s the only way I would be able to get there.

A; Okay.

CALLER: You guys wouldn’t have to tell my parents or anything?

A; No, it’s confidential.

CALLER: Okay. It’s just I can’t tell my parents because like he’s 22 and we’re going to get married but like my parents think he’s too old for me, and there’s just no way that they can find out we’re having sex or anything.

CLINIC: All right. Give me a call back as soon as you can.

CALLER: Okay. Well, is it all right if I like you guys don’t have an age requirement for that, or anything, do you?

CLINIC: No, of course not.

CALLER: Okay, because like — well, I’ll be 14 in March so —

A; Okay.

CALLER: It’s still okay?

A; Yeah, it’s still confidential, absolutely.

CALLER: Okay. Well, if it turns out that like I’m not pregnant or whatever, do you guys do birth control there?

A; Yes, we do. Matter of fact, why don’t I give you the appointment now and then you just tell him to bring you?


CLINIC: Is that a good idea?

CALLER: Well, I don’t know if he’d be able to get off work.

CLINIC: Well, what day does he work?

CALLER: He just works like every day of the week.

CLINIC: What time does he work ’til?

CALLER: Like 8 to 5.

A; Oh, yuck. Any other transportation you have available to you, or no?

CALLER: Well, I would have to see, but I don’t know.

CLINIC: Because I can give you a 4:00 on Monday.

CALLER: Well, maybe.

CLINIC: How about if I write you in and maybe he could take off early or something?


CLINIC: What’s your name?

CALLER: It’s Christine.

CLINIC: Um-hum.

CALLER: Christine Smith.

CLINIC: And you probably don’t want me to take a phone number because you don’t want me to call the —

CALLER: Right.

CLINIC: If I have to cancel or confirm I’m going to write down you’re going to call us.


CLINIC: So confirm. Make sure I have a nurse practitioner here and that we’re not cancelled or anything.

CALLER: Okay. And you guys don’t have to tell anybody or anything?

CLINIC: Yeah, and it’s confidential service.


CLINIC: And we’ll see you for a pregnancy test. If it’s negative, we’ll do the full exam, at 4:00 on Monday.



CALLER: Is it okay if like my boyfriend has questions if I can call you back?

A; Sure.

CALLER: What was your name?

CLINIC: Caroline. You could ask anyone, but my name is Caroline.

CALLER: Caroline? Okay.


CALLER: Thank you.


(phone clicks)

*** THE END ***