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#799 – Metropolitan Family Planning Institute – Planned Parenthood in Gaithersburg, MD

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TAPE – 799

(Dialing, phone ringing 1x)

RECORDING: Thank you for calling Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington Gaithersburg Center. If you know your party’s extension, please dial it now; otherwise, please hold for the menu options. Press 3 (unclear) Gaithersburg.

(Recording repeated in Spanish)

RECORDING: For English, press 1 (dial button pressed).

For location and directions, press 1. For hours of operation, press 2. For pill pick-up hours, press 3. To make an appointment or to speak with an operator, press 4 (dial button pressed).

One moment please.

(Dialing, phone ringing 1x)

CLINIC: Planned Parenthood. Can you please hold?

CALLER: Do you guys do abortions there?

CLINIC: No, we don’t. Silver Spring Center, they do there.

CALLER: Do you have the number for that?

CLINIC: 608-3448.

CALLER: I just had a question.

CLINIC: You have to call them if you have any abortion questions.

CALLER: Well, I had other questions.

CLINIC: I’m sorry, but I just have like three lines ahead of you. Can you hold?

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Thank you.

(Short pause)

CLINIC: Can I help you?

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was wondering about getting an abortion. I’m going to be 14 later on this month, and my friend told me that they would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. Is he old enough to take care of it all, and they wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: You should ask them in Silver Spring.

CALLER: Okay. Well, could I come in there for a pregnancy test just to see?

CLINIC: You know that you’re pregnant, right?

CALLER: Well, I just haven’t had my period since January 3rd, and I’m just really worried.

CLINIC: Okay. That’s a walk-in. You can come and get a pregnancy test here.

CALLER: What time?

CLINIC: Before 12 or before 4?

CALLER: Today?

CLINIC: Uh-huh.

CALLER: If it ended up that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control from you guys?

CLINIC: Not today. You have to make an appointment for that.

CALLER: But would anybody have to know if I was on birth control?

CLINIC: No. This is confidential.

CALLER: Oh, okay. My boyfriend and me were talking about all this, and we don’t want anybody to know about us. But he said he would pay cash for everything. If he was paying though, would he have to sign anything and have his name on stuff?


CALLER: Oh, all right. So it’s all right if he’s paying for it and everything?

CLINIC: Uh-huh. Do you go to school?

CALLER: Well, I’m homeschooled.

CLINIC: Oh, okay.

CALLER: All right.

CLINIC: Before 12 today or before 4 today, or tomorrow before 12 or before 2.

CALLER: If I had any other questions, could I call and ask you? What was your name?

CLINIC: Siomata (ph).

CALLER: Okay. Thank you.

