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#640 – Planned Parenthood in Manchester, CT

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MANCHESTER, CT 6040-3833

TAPE – 640

(Dialing, phone ringing 2x)

CLINIC: Good morning, Planned Parenthood.

CALLER: Hi. Yeah. I was calling to see if you guys do abortions there.

CLINIC: No, we don’t. I can give you a number for the West Hartford.


CLINIC: Let me put you on hold, okay?

CALLER: All right.

(Short pause)

CLINIC: Okay. Have you ever had this done, ma’am?


CLINIC: Okay. When did you have a positive pregnancy test done?

CALLER: I haven’t. I just haven’t had my period since January 3rd. So that’s why I’m worried about all this, and I’m just kind of —

CLINIC: You didn’t do a pregnancy test or you did?

CALLER: I haven’t done one.

CLINIC: Okay. Why don’t you come in for a pregnancy test, and then we’ll see how far along you are.

CALLER: Okay. Well, what times do you normally do that?

CLINIC: We’re open from 12 to 7 today. And you don’t need an appointment for that, to do a pregnancy test.

CALLER: I was talking to my boyfriend and all. It’s just the thing is, my friend told me that you guys would have to — I’m going to be 14 next month. And my boyfriend told me that — my friend told me that you guys would have to tell my parents. But my boyfriend’s 22. He said that he would take care of everything. Would that be all right if he took care of it, and you wouldn’t have to tell anybody?

CLINIC: Well, when you come in I would feel more comfortable talking to you about it. And I wouldn’t — you wouldn’t talk about that right now. We’re not going to talk about that right now.

CALLER: Well, if I came in there, would you have to tell my parents?

CLINIC: No. Everything’s kept confidential just so you know. The only thing that we would — I don’t know if she told you why we need to tell your parents, but everything’s kept confidential.

CALLER: So you wouldn’t have to tell my parents if I was getting an abortion?

CLINIC: No. We’re not suppose to. It’s basically your responsibility.

CALLER: So you wouldn’t have to tell anybody at all about anything?

CLINIC: No. It’s basically your decision.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: We’re open from 12 to 7 today.

CALLER: Today?


CALLER: Well, if it turned out that I wasn’t pregnant, could I get birth control today?

CLINIC: Well, we don’t do the walk-ins where we hand out pills right away. We need to make an appointment for that, because if you haven’t had a period in over two months, we need to find out what’s going on. It could be something else going on.

CALLER: Well, it’s just me and my boyfriend don’t want to have to go through all this again.

CLINIC: Well, we need to find out what’s going on. So I would first come in for a pregnancy test, and if you are pregnant, then we’ll go from there. If you’re not pregnant, we need to make an appointment because you could have a possible infection that hasn’t been treated. So why don’t we take it one at a time. And I would feel more comfortable if you came in by yourself.


CLINIC: Okay? Don’t give any information out, don’t bring your partner in. I would definitely recommend you not bringing in your partner.


CLINIC: Okay? Just yourself. As far as driving, that’s fine.

CALLER: Oh, okay.

CLINIC: But I’m saying I would prefer you not bringing your partner. And I’ll explain it to you when you come in. Okay?

CALLER: What was your name?


CALLER: Thanks.

CLINIC: We’re open from 12 to 7, so you can come in the morning today.


CLINIC: What’s your name?

CALLER: It’s Lisa.

CLINIC: Okay, Lisa. We’ll see you then.


CLINIC: Bye bye.

